Open Source Projects

We believe strongly in giving back to the developer community. Below are several projects that we are actively engaged in and author or maintain.



The Prism Container Extensions provide various additional extensions making the Prism Container easier to use with IServiceCollection/IServiceProvider and in scenarios where you may require a Singleton container that may need to be initialized from Platform specific code prior to PrismApplication being created. Note that both the Prism.Container.Extensions and Prism.DryIoc.Extensions are platform agnostic meaning you can use them on WPF or Xamarin Forms.



Logging can be hard. It's something you probably know you should be doing in your app but nobody really talks about this or how to do it. Sure you can just do a Console.WriteLine, but how do you get data on what's going on with your app on a deployed device when it's not connected to your developer machine? The Prism.Plugin.Logging library provides several out of the box logging implementations with a more modernized logging approach than what is built into Prism. This includes an ability to use a simple Udp socket, Syslog, an Http logger, App Center, and Azure App Insights.



The Modal style Popup sadly isn't something that is built into Xamarin.Forms. The Prism.Plugin.Popups library is a massively popular plugin that adds support for Prism navigation in your Prism.Forms application while using the Popup support from Rg.Plugins.Popup. This library additionally provides a custom Dialog Service allowing you to utilize a PopupPage for your dialogs which has several advantages of the v7.2 implementation of the Dialog Service which resets the page contents.

Xappium UITest

Xappium UITest

Xappium is the next generation of UI Testing for the .NET Developer. It is built on top of the Appium test framework, and designed with the Cross Platform developer in mind. This library simplifies the complex task of writing Cross Platform UI Tests making and includes tools to make it easier than ever before to integrate UI Testing into your CI Pipeline. Additionally the Xappium UITest framework includes support out of the box for testing with MSTest, Nunit, and Xunit.